5th Annual Science Genius Rap B A T T L E S
Admin, , #HipHopEd, Social Justice, 0
THE CONVERSATION: #HIPHOPED I participated in a web-based series called The Conversation, hosted by Brennan DuBos and had the...
How I Fell in Love With Science Through Hip-Hop
Admin, , #HipHopEd, Science Education, Urban Education, 0
It was a calm and crisp day; the morning breeze was cool and pleasant. Signs of fall were approaching...
Five Twitter Chats That Will Make You a Better Educator
Admin, , #HipHopEd, #edchat, #edtechchat, #hiphopEd, #ntchat, #urbaned, twitter, 0
The early 2000s have produced many huge developments in social networking and social media. Many, if not all, social...
Seriously, Where are all the Teachers of Color?
Admin, , Urban Education, 1
As a student, I never questioned why an overwhelming majority of my teachers were White women and did not...
Undercover Racism w/ Lisa Evers of Hot 97 Radio
Admin, , #HipHopEd, 0
To listen to the conversation about undercover racism and Jordan Davis click here – > http://media.hot97.com/Podcasts/1999/01%20Undercover%20Racism.mp3
#Eds1stYear: Keepin’ it Real
Admin, , #Eds1stYear, Science Education, Urban Education, 0
#Eds1stYear: Keepin’ it Real When I first began teaching in September my goal was to document my first year...
3 Gems for Educators from Jay-Z’s 4:44 Album
Admin, , #HipHopEd, Social Justice, Urban Education, 0
Hip-Hop legend and icon Jay-Z released his 13th studio album, 4:44, and it has been a hot topic of conversation...