
Three Educated Brothas Podcast
A podcast about all things education through the experiences of three Black men in the field.
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The Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S Program
The Science Genius B.A.T.T.L.E.S (Bringing Attention to Transforming Teaching, Learning and Engagement in Science) program is an initiative that is focused on utilizing the power of Hip-Hop music and culture to introduce youth to the wonder and beauty of science. The core message of the initiative is to meet urban youth who are traditionally disengaged in science classrooms on their cultural turf, and provide them with the opportunity to express the same passion they have for hip-hop culture for science. Concurrently, the project aims to display the interests of science enthusiasts who have a passion for hip-hop, and introduce both hip-hop and science to a wider audience.
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#HipHopEd Weekly Twitter Chat
In the middle of 2011 Timothy Jones @tdj6899 and Amil Cook @amilcook joined the leadership team of #HipHopEd and the chat continued its growth exponentially. #HipHopEd began to attract Hip-Hop fans, purists, practitioners, thinkers, and educators of various ages, ethnicities, and locales. The weekly discussions take place on Tuesday evenings from 9-10 pm EST using the hash tag #HipHopEd. To some #HipHopEd is a platform of professional development and to others it is a weekly think tank for the analysis and evaluation of Hip-Hop culture. #HipHopEd may review the latest album release, pay homage to a fallen soldier, and investigate issues that impact our community, promote aspects of Hip-Hop culture, and evaluate the President’s State of the Union Address. Follow Timothy Jones (@tdj6899) to receive weekly #HipHopEd topics.
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Project G.I.V.E
(Gentlemen of Integrity, Vision and Excellence)
Project G.I.V.E is a NYC-based community project focused on educating, empowering and transforming the lives of young boys. Project G.I.V.E provides a multi-dimensional approach to young male leadership development through a rite of passage retreat, interactive workshops and ongoing mentoring. Providing young men with the supportive space and place to learn from experienced professionals who come from similar backgrounds while reflecting on personal development will enhance their resiliency and empowerment.